UK greenhouse gas emissions fall 8.7% | Environment | The Guardian

7 02 2011

Government estimates released on Tuesday showed greenhouse gas emissions fell by 8.7% from 2008 to 2009, the biggest drop since records began in 1990. Carbon dioxide levels plunged 9.8%, a fall only matched in 1980, in records extending to 1970.

greenhouse gases

UK greenhouse gas emissions fall 8.7% | Environment | The Guardian.

There we go

5 12 2010

I had been thinking about starting a blog ever since good friends suggested I do. Some experiments and miscarriages later I really felt the urge to finally get my act together and get out there.

There is hardly a category this will fit in. I guess it will just resemble my thoughts, worries, thoughts and the odd adventrue that I actually come across. Maybe it will catch someones eye. But the pressure to take advantage of today’s communication possibilities is too much for me to resist.

About the name

It relates to birdwatching. While in China, during Fall 2010, I had set myself the goal of trying to see a new bird species (known as a lifer among birdwatchers) every day. Soon I realized that being in the lab for half of my stay, this would never happen. Instead, every day brought along other interesting things: culturally rich experiences, neat places to visit, noteworthy gastronomic encounters, news in the (online-) paper that need to be commented on, updates on our research or just that funny moment that cheered up the day. These are lifers to me too. We all have them on a daily basis. In the end, that is what most bloggers write about too, in my humble opinion.

Don’t be mislead by the title. I doubt you will read anything new on a daily basis. Check back next week, that should do.