Birds in the news

6 01 2011

Lately there have been quite a lot of birds in the news. Actually, I just realized a couple of minutes ago. I was going to give this post the title of Anthropogenic Bird misuse, but that would have come across the wrong way. I rather just point out that concern on a unusual natural resource like Birds, is now sufficiently established as to make a few headlines. Here some examples from today’s BBC website:

German dioxin scandal: More contamination than feared


Well, here the threat is more focused on human health, but still it will make people think a bit more about how that chicken or egg they are consuming is raised or in what conditions it is laid. Lets just hope that the dioxin levels are as inoffensive as authorities have indicated.


Mysterious bird deaths hit Sweden

Dead birds in street in Falkoeping

Now Sweden gets this phenomenon that had been observed in the US a few day ago, where it has been linked to firecrackes on New Year’s eve. Unless swedish people use a non-gregorian calendar, this could hardly explain what has happened here.




Saudi Arabia ‘detains’ Israeli vulture for spying

Griffon Vulture

This one actually got me to smile. It looks as if a monitoring project has been upplayed into a spying drama. It makes me wonder in how many other ways scientific work can be misleading to the public.




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